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WaterSip is a diagnostic software tool that identifies source, transport and arrival properties of atmospheric water vapour. It implements the moisture source diagnostic of Sodemann et al. (2008) for input data from either FLEXPART particle output or Lagranto trajectories.

Input file options

The WaterSip input file is a text file with options that are specified for different option groups. Option groups are identified by square brackets (e.g. [Case]). There are 7 option groups which can appear in random order in the input file:

  • Case: general settings related to the case to be extracted
  • Grids: specification of different output grids
  • Diagnostrics: parameters of the moisture diagnostic
  • Output: general output settings
  • Variables: selection of output variables
  • Flexpart: options specific to runs using FLEXPART particle output
  • Lagranto: options specific to runs using Lagranto trajectories
caseName = global_201002_final_relativex
inputDir = /Volumes/Data_B/flexpart/global/shortposit_%s
startDate = 20100228-180000
endDate = 20100211-000000
timeStep = 6
sectorizeRegion = 0
filterBoxFile = /home/hso039/progs/WaterSip_tool/BOX_FILTERS_SiebenHengste
filterIndex = -1
orographyFile = "/Users/hso039/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/WaterSip_tool/etopo5.nc"
lsmFile = "/Users/hso039/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/WaterSip_tool/ERA_sea_mask_inv.nc"
maskFile = " "
useMask = 0
trajPoints = 41
minTrajPoints = 0
ompThreads = 1
showStats = 0

arrivalGridMinLon = -180
arrivalGridMaxLon = 180
arrivalGridMinLat = -90
arrivalGridMaxLat = 90
arrivalGridDx = 1
arrivalGridDy = 1
arrivalGridRadius = 200
sourceGridMinLon = -180
sourceGridMaxLon = 180
sourceGridMinLat = -90
sourceGridMaxLat = 90
sourceGridDx = 1
sourceGridDy = 1
sourceGridRadius = 200
griddingType = 2

uptakeThreshold = 0.05
precipThreshold = 0.05
blhScale = 1.5
arrivalPrecipMin = 0.05
arrivalPrecipMax = 1.0
arrivalRHMin = 80
arrivalRHMax = 110
arrivalOroMin = -100
arrivalOroMax = 12000
arrivalAltMin = -100
arrivalAltMax = 12000
analyzeVapour = 0
assignToUptake = 0
forwardProjectionMode = 3
relativeThreshold = 1

stepFile = 1
dayFile = 1
monthFile = 1
yearFile = 1
allFile = 1
staticFields = 1
saveTraj = 0
skipTraj = 0
saveHistogram = 0
saveMean = 0

sourcesBoundaryLayer = 1
sourcesFreeTroposphere = 1
evaporationMinusPrecipitation = 1
moistureTransport = 1
trajectoryLocations = 1
precipitationEstimate = 1
sourceLongitude = 1
sourceLatitude = 1
convectionCount = 0
convectionHeight = 0
landFraction = 1
boundaryLayerFraction = 1
freeTroposphereFraction = 1
combinedFraction = 0
transportTime = 1
sourceSkinTemperature = 1
sourceSpecificHumidity = 0
transportDistance = 1
sourceDistance = 1
source2mTemperature = 0
sourceDeuteriumExcess = 1
transportTemperature = 1
transportPressure = 1
condensationTemperature = 1
arrivalTemperature = 1
arrivalPressure = 1
arrival2mTemperature = 0
arrivalSkinTemperature = 1

inputFormat = 3
maxPart = 5000000
partMass = 1.01943e+12
partStride = 10
allowReenter = 1