Fra hbrgeo
Revisjon per 3. des. 2015 kl. 17:25 av Hhiso (diskusjon | bidrag)

STRC: A coded version of STR

Standardisation in progress

The standardisation, coding, classification and conversion (coding in short) of the STR data is a work in progress (and in its infancy). The procedures below codes a larger part of the STR data and make a 5% sample available for crosstabulation.

The process starts with loading the raw data into a database. Then secondly a large number of auxilliary tables are loaded and manipulated using queries, functions, semi-coded data etc.

Thirdly the data itself is coded which creates a paralell set of coded raw data. Since the raw data consist of 6-7 million records a subset is created and made available at the internet for viewing and cross-tabulation

Standardisation using SQL

The raw data has been coded using Postgresql version 9.4 running on Ubuntu 14.04, while the online verions of the coded data has been imported on a different version of linux running postgres 9.1.

Loading main DATA

Please note that the following documentation of the import uses absolute file names. When using these routines the file location must be changed according to each users directory structure and where the data is downloaded.


If passages is downloaded from STRO using the query interface a CSV-file called passages_Year_=_YYYY.csv (e.g. YYYY=1754) will be created. The file consist of the selected passsages, first line includes field names, each field is seperated with comma and values are qouted using dobble-qoute ". Exported data is encoded in "Latin1". By mailing the STRO-group it is also possible to get larger chucks of data, however it is encoded in UTF-8, lacks field names and each field are seperated by semi-colon. The field name of all data is doorvaarten.csv. Therefore two import routines have been made, one for each of the supplied data format. Please note that the table definition are the same.

Import the complete data of passages

Passages are imported into a table named doorvaart, primary key is id_doorvaart.

-- Table structure for table 'doorvaart'

CREATE TABLE "doorvaart" (
  "dag"  INTEGER,
  "maand"  INTEGER,
  "jaar"  INTEGER,
  "volgnummer"  VARCHAR(255),
  "schipper_voornamen"  VARCHAR(255),
  "schipper_patroniem"  VARCHAR(255),
  "schipper_tussenvoegsel"  VARCHAR(255),
  "schipper_achternaam"  VARCHAR(255),
  "schipper_plaatsnaam"  VARCHAR(255),
  "soort_korting"  VARCHAR(255),
  "korting_daalder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "korting_skilling"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal1_daalder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal1_skilling"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal2_daalder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal2_skilling"  VARCHAR(255),
  "totaal_rosenobel"  VARCHAR(255),
  "totaal_daalder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "totaal_skilling"  VARCHAR(255),
  "andere_muntsoort1"  VARCHAR(255),
  "andere_muntsoort1_totaal"  VARCHAR(255),
  "andere_muntsoort2"  VARCHAR(255),
  "andere_muntsoort2_totaal"  VARCHAR(255),
  "privilege"  VARCHAR(255),
  "opmerking_bron"  VARCHAR(500),
  "opmerking_invoerder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "opmerking_controle"  VARCHAR(255),
  "controle_1"  VARCHAR(255),
  "controle_2"  VARCHAR(255),
  "controle_3"  VARCHAR(255),
  "naam_invoerder"  VARCHAR(255),
  "datum_opgevoerd"  VARCHAR(255),
  "dirnummer"  VARCHAR(255),
  "tonnage"  VARCHAR(255),
  "belasting_korting"  VARCHAR(255),
  "images"  VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp"  VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp1"  VARCHAR(255),
  "korting_ort"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal1_ort"  VARCHAR(255),
  "subtotaal2_ort"  VARCHAR(255),
  "totaal_ort"  VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp2" VARCHAR(255)

COPY doorvaart FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/doorvaarten.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';
Import selected and downloaded passages

The following code in Postgresql (SQL of the DBMS Postgres) imports the downloaded data into a table (relation) called doorvart. The complete code for importing all three tables, passages, cargoes and taxes can be downloaded here.

-- Table structure for table 'doorvaart'
--  "id_doorvaart";"dag";"maand";"jaar";"volgnummer";"schipper_voornamen";"schipper_patroniem";"schipper_tussenvoegsel";"schipper_achternaam";"schipper_plaatsnaam";"soort_korting";"korting_daalder";"korting_skilling";"subtotaal1_daalder";"subtotaal1_skilling";"subtotaal2_daalder";"subtotaal2_skilling";"totaal_rosenobel";"totaal_daalder";"totaal_skilling";"andere_muntsoort1";"andere_muntsoort1_totaal";"andere_muntsoort2";"andere_muntsoort2_totaal";"privilege";"opmerking_bron";"opmerking_invoerder";"opmerking_controle";"controle_1";"controle_2";"controle_3";"naam_invoerder";"datum_opgevoerd";"dirnummer";"tonnage";"belasting_korting";"images";"hulp";"hulp1";"korting_ort";"subtotaal1_ort";"subtotaal2_ort";"totaal_ort";"hulp2"
-- "410987";"29";"6";"1754";"373";"Gerrit";"";"";"Hendrichs";"Workum";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"2";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"J";"N";"N";"ERICB";"31-03-10";"226";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";""

Create table as above, then

COPY doorvaart FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/passages_Year_=_1754.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'latin1' NULL '';


Import all data
-- Table structure for table 'belastingen'


CREATE TABLE "belasting" (
  "id_doorvaart" INTEGER NOT NULL,
  "naam" VARCHAR(255),
  "muntsoort" VARCHAR(255),
  "hoofdbedrag" VARCHAR(255),
  "subbedrag" VARCHAR(255),
  "korting" VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp" VARCHAR(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (id_doorvaart, regel)

COPY belasting FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/belastingen.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Import selected data

-- Table structure for table 'belasting'

-- "id_doorvaart";"regel";"naam";"muntsoort";"hoofdbedrag";"subbedrag";"korting";"hulp"
-- "410987";"1";"Fyrpenge";"Daler";"2";"";"N";""


CREATE TABLE "belasting" (
  "id_doorvaart" INTEGER NOT NULL,
  "naam" VARCHAR(255),
  "muntsoort" VARCHAR(255),
  "hoofdbedrag" VARCHAR(255),
  "subbedrag" VARCHAR(255),
  "korting" VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp" VARCHAR(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (id_doorvaart, regel)

COPY belasting (id_doorvaart, regel, naam, muntsoort, hoofdbedrag, subbedrag, korting, hulp) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/taxes_Year_=_1754.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'latin1' NULL '';


Cargoes is imported into a table lading. In order to achieve higher performance on the later coding of data three indexes are made.

Importing all data

-- Table structure for table 'ladingen'


CREATE TABLE "lading" (
  "id_doorvaart" INTEGER NOT NULL,
  "van" VARCHAR(255),
  "naar" VARCHAR(255),
  "maat" VARCHAR(255),
  "aantal" VARCHAR(255),
  "soort" VARCHAR(255),
  "daalder" VARCHAR(255),
  "skilling" VARCHAR(255),
  "maat_alt" VARCHAR(255),
  "aantal_alt" VARCHAR(255),
  "ort" VARCHAR(255),
  "hulp" VARCHAR(255),
  PRIMARY KEY (id_doorvaart, regel)

COPY lading FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/ladingen.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Importing a selected subset
-- Table structure for table 'lading'
-- "id_doorvaart";"regel";"van";"naar";"maat";"aantal";"soort";"daalder";"skilling";"maat_alt";"aantal_alt";"ort";"hulp"
-- "410987";"1";"Amst.";"Narva";"";"";"Ballast";"";"";"";"";"";""

Create table as above, then import

COPY lading FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/cargoes_Year_=_1754.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'latin1' NULL '';

Loading aux DATA

In order to manage the automatic coding and converting of data a set of auxillary tables have been created. These tables could be called inverted tables, since each table consist of the unique field values for selected field, is frequency. To each of these tables standardised or coded fields will be added. Later in the coding process the uniques spelling of places, commodities, measurements etc. will be replaced by its code. This type of coding is context-insensitive, i.e. it does not take the context of the data into consideration. In a context-sensitive coding the context of the data is important, e.g. the same measurement expressed in words has a different metric value if the ship departed from Bergen or from Riga. Many measurements have this property, a scottish pound was different from a London pound. Measurements also changed over time, the length of an inch was different not only in place but changed also over time Context-insensitive coding/conversion is done purely on the meaning of the word itself and does not take time or space into consideration. The time-space conversion is done on a later stage in order to improve and make the context-sensitive coding.

Standardised place names

The standardisation of placenames have been done by George Welling (RUG) and X Y from Tresoar archive. The file all_places_standard.csv is loaded into a table named stdplaces. University of Groningen and the TRESOAR archive have standardised ports of departure, destination and shipmasters home port. By end of 2015 about 50.000 spelling variations of port names have been coded into a 6 letter alfanumeric code.

Please note that in stdplaces is using a 8 letter code, the first three letters is numeric, the three alfa (A-Z) and some places are coded with addtional 2 digits. The two digits are used if the place name consist of two different places, e.g. the ship was intended to go to Spain however it planned to go to Norway to do extra loading before sailing to Spain. This way of coding the two destion ports are not recommended, rather the two destionations should have been coded into two 6 letter codes in order to have a strict coding system. In order to achive this following procedure is done:

  • Two six letter plcodes have been created
  • If the placename consist of two placenames, these are automatically sepearated

Stdplaces is not part of the coded database. To get the data please contact STRO

-- Create table stdplaces
-- "schipper","Aace","000000","Unknown","Unindentifiable Ports","Unknown",,"1"


CREATE TABLE "stdplaces" (
    plctype varchar(8),
    plcname varchar(255),
    plccod8 varchar(8),
    stdname varchar(255),
    region varchar(255),
    bigregion varchar(255),
    bfield boolean,
    onefield varchar(255)

CREATE INDEX ix_pclname ON stdplaces (lower(plcname));
CREATE INDEX ix_stdname ON stdplaces (lower(stdname));

COPY stdplaces (plctype, plcname, plccod8, stdname, region, bigregion, bfield, onefield) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/all_places_standard.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';
ALTER TABLE stdplaces DROP COLUMN bfield;
ALTER TABLE stdplaces DROP COLUMN onefield;
ALTER TABLE stdplaces ADD COLUMN plccod varchar(6);
ALTER TABLE stdplaces ADD COLUMN plcco2 varchar(6);
ALTER TABLE stdplaces ADD COLUMN place varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE stdplaces ADD COLUMN place2 varchar(255);

UPDATE stdplaces SET plccod = substring(plccod8, 1, 6);

Port of departure

A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Port of departure

CREATE TABLE "portdept" (
  id serial not null,
  name varchar(255),
  freq integer,
    plccod char(6),
    primsel integer,
    frgnsel integer,
  PRIMARY KEY (name)

-- Using header to skip first line which contains null value

COPY portdept (name, freq) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/ports_departure.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Port of destination

All unique spelling variations of name of port of destination and the frequency of the term.

A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Port of destination

CREATE TABLE "portdest" (
  id serial not null,
  name varchar(255),
  freq integer,
    plccod varchar(6),
    frgnsel integer,
    primsel integer,
  PRIMARY KEY (name)

-- Using header to skip first line which contains null value

COPY portdest (name, freq) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/ports_destination.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Ship masters home port

All unique spelling variations of name of ship masters home port and the frequency of the term

A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Ship masters home Port

CREATE TABLE "smhport" (
  id serial not null,
  name varchar(255),
  freq integer,
    plccod char(6),
    frgnsel integer,
    primsel integer,
  PRIMARY KEY (name)

-- Using header to skip first line which contains null value

COPY smhport (name, freq) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/shipmaster_home_ports.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Classifcation or Subsets created from stdplaces

Unique ports

A table of unique ports are created from all_places_standardised. The six alfanumeric code is used as identification of a unique port. The table uniqport is used during coding of geograpichal codes and classification of regions, current country etc. A select-query creates the table uniqports and afterwards new columns are added and inititated.

A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Create table uniqport

SELECT substring(plccod8,1, 6) AS plccod, min(stdname) AS stdname, min(region) as region, min(bigregion) as bigregion INTO uniqport FROM stdplaces where (stdname is NOT NULL) GROUP BY substring(plccod8,1, 6);

ALTER TABLE uniqport ADD COLUMN currcntry varchar(25);
ALTER TABLE uniqport ADD COLUMN eastwest char(2);
ALTER TABLE uniqport ADD COLUMN primsel integer;

UPDATE uniqport set currcntry = region where ((region='Norway') or (region='Scotland') or (region='Italy') or (region='Ireland') or (region='Denmark'));
UPDATE uniqport set currcntry = region where ((region='Spain') or (region='Esthonia') or (region='Iceland') or (region='Portugal') or (region='The Netherlands'));
UPDATE uniqport set currcntry = 'France' where (region LIKE 'France%');
UPDATE uniqport set currcntry = 'Germany' where (region LIKE 'Hamburg%');
UPDATE uniqport set primsel=0;

UPDATE portdept SET plccod =  stdplaces.plccod FROM stdplaces WHERE;
UPDATE portdest SET plccod =  stdplaces.plccod FROM stdplaces WHERE;
UPDATE smhport SET plccod =  stdplaces.plccod FROM stdplaces WHERE;


A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Create table region


SELECT region as name, count(region) as freq, min(bigregion) as bigregion INTO region FROM stdplaces where (region is NOT NULL) GROUP BY region;
ALTER TABLE region ADD COLUMN currcntry varchar(25);
ALTER TABLE region ADD COLUMN eastwest char(1);

UPDATE region set eastwest = bigregion.eastwest FROM bigregion where;

UPDATE region set eastwest = 'W' where ((name like 'The Neth%') or (name='Norway') or (name like '%Medi%') or (name like 'Engl%')  or (name like '%Atla%'));
UPDATE region set eastwest = 'E' where (name like '%Baltic%');

UPDATE uniqport set eastwest = region.eastwest from region where uniqport.region =;
Big regions

A sample of the data can be viewed here

-- Create table bigregion


SELECT bigregion as name, count(bigregion) as freq, min(region) as minregion, max(region) as maxregion INTO bigregion FROM stdplaces where (bigregion is NOT NULL) GROUP BY bigregion;
ALTER TABLE bigregion ADD COLUMN eastwest char(1);

UPDATE bigregion set eastwest = 'W' where ((name like 'Dutc%') or (name like 'Nor%') or (name like '%Medi%') or (name like 'Great%') or (name like '%Amer%') or (name like '%Atla%') or (name like 'Ice%') or (name like 'Arc%') or (name like '%Far East%') or (name like 'West%'));
UPDATE bigregion set eastwest = 'E' where (name like '%Baltic%');

Creating functions

Advanced text comparsions functions is nessesary since the data consist of many spelling variations of the same word. In order to compare places, commodties, measurements, classes etc the jaro-winkler function for word or string similarity has been added to the database. This can be downloaded from github and loaded into the database simply by the statement

\i pg_similarity.sql

In order to convert fractions to decimal numbers, and to split combined fields like placenames or commodities three general functions have been created

splitog (s, splitstring, fieldno) as text: Takes a input, e.g. destination port "København og Riga" or commodities "Silke og bommuld" and split the string into two. Input is the text to be split, second the split argument and thirdly which part to return, first or second

create or replace function splitog(varchar,varchar,integer) returns text as $$
p integer;
X text;
sub text;
nret integer;
lsub integer;
  X := trim(both $1::text);
  sub:= $2::text;
  nret := $3::integer;
  lsub := length(sub);
  if ((X='') or (X='-')) then
    return null;
  end if;
  p := 0;
  p := strpos(X, sub);
  if (p>1) then
    if nret=1 then
       X := trim(both substr(X,1,p));
       X := trim(both substr(X, p+lsub,length(X)));
    end if;
  end if;
  return X::text;
  WHEN invalid_text_representation then
      return null;
$$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

frac2num (s text) as double precision: Takes a string input, e.g. '2 3/4' and converts the text into 2.75.

create or replace function frac2num(varchar) returns float8 as $$
p integer;
n float8;
num float8;
den float8;
X text;
  X := trim(both $1::text);
  if ((X='') or (X='-')) then
    return null;
  end if;
  p := 0;
  n := 0;
  p := strpos(X, '/');
  if (p=0) then
    p:=strpos(X, ' ');
    if p>0 then
       n := (left(X,p-1))::float8;
    end if;
    if (p<2) and not (check_numeric(X)) then
      return null;
    end if;
    X := trim(left(X, p-1));
    p := strpos(X,' ');
    if p=0 then
       num := x::float8;
       num := (substr(X, p+1, length(X)))::float8;
       n := (left(X,p-1))::float8;
    end if;
  end if;
  if den<>0 then
     n := n + (num / den);
  end if;
  return n::float8;
  WHEN invalid_text_representation then
      return null;
$$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

check_numeric (s as varchar) as boolean: Takes a string text as input and check if it is a legal number.

create or replace function check_numeric(varchar) returns bool as $$
i numeric;
i := $1::numeric;
return 't'::bool;
EXCEPTION WHEN invalid_text_representation then
return 'f'::bool;
$$ language plpgsql immutable strict;

===Modifying geographical data

UPDATE stdplaces SET plccod = substring(plccod8, 1, 6);
UPDATE stdplaces set place = splitog(plcname,' og ',1) where plcname like '% og %';
UPDATE stdplaces set place2 = splitog(plcname,' og ',2) where plcname like '% og %';

Loading coding data for commodoties

-- Commodities

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "commodities";

CREATE TABLE "commodities" (
  id serial not null,
  soortname varchar(110),
  freq integer,
    primsel integer,
    frgnsel integer,
    nbclass integer,
    nbcode char(7),
    ngcode integer,
    sitcr4 char(8),
        jwval double precision,
        prod1 varchar(110),
        prod2 varchar(110),
  PRIMARY KEY (soortname)

-- Using header to skip first line which contains null value

COPY commodities (soortname, freq) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/commodities.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

UPDATE commodities set prod1 = splitog(soortname,' og ',1) where (soortname like '% og %');
UPDATE commodities set prod2 = splitog(soortname,' og ',2) where (soortname like '% og %');
UPDATE commodities set prod1 = splitog(soortname,' a ',1) where ((soortname like '% a %') and not (soortname like '% og %'));
UPDATE commodities set prod2 = splitog(soortname,' a ',2) where ((soortname like '% a %') and not (soortname like '% og %'));
-- Units for Commodities

Units for commodoties


CREATE TABLE "communit" (
  id serial not null,
  maatname varchar(255),
  freq integer,
        stdmname varchar(100),
    primsel integer,
    frgnsel integer,
    volnum double precision,
    weighnum double precision,
    maatnum double precision,
    valnum double precision,
    lennum double precision,
        jwval double precision,
  PRIMARY KEY (maatname)

-- Using header to skip first line which contains null value

COPY communit (maatname, freq) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/commodities_unit.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

update communit set primsel=1;
update communit set jwval=0.0;

Load standardised names and metric conversion for units of weigh, length, volume, etc

-- Load metric units
-- Based on Norsk Forlishistorisk Forening. Vedlikeholdes av Trond Johannessen
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "metunit" cascade;

create table "metunit" (
  id_unit serial not null,
  betegnelse varchar(255),
  mtype varchar(10),
  altname varchar(255),
  comm1 varchar(255),
  comm2 varchar(255),
  yearfrom integer,
  yearto integer,
  fork varchar(10),
  forklaring varchar(255),
  antall float8,
  bestanddele varchar(255),
  metric float8,
  siunit char(3),
  tilsvarer float8,
  tunit varchar(20),
  primary key (id_unit)

CREATE INDEX ON metunit (betegnelse);

COPY metunit (betegnelse,mtype,altname,comm1,comm2,yearfrom,yearto,fork,forklaring,antall,bestanddele,metric,siunit,tilsvarer,tunit) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/danskem.csv' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

alter table metunit add column primsel integer;

UPDATE metunit set primsel=0;
UPDATE metunit set primsel=1 where ((yearfrom<1858) and (yearto>1683) and ((mtype like 'Vekt') or (mtype like 'Volum') or (mtype like 'Lengde') or (mtype like 'Antall')));

update communit set maatnum = metric, jwval=jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname), stdmname=betegnelse from metunit where ((metunit.primsel=1) and (mtype='Antall') and (jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>jwval) and jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>0.90);
update communit set volnum = metric, jwval=jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname), stdmname=betegnelse from metunit where ((metunit.primsel=1) and (mtype='Volum') and (jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>jwval) and jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>0.90);
update communit set weighnum = metric, jwval=jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname), stdmname=betegnelse from metunit where ((metunit.primsel=1) and (mtype='Vekt') and (jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>jwval) and jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>0.90);
update communit set lennum = metric, jwval=jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname), stdmname=betegnelse from metunit where ((metunit.primsel=1) and (mtype='Lengde') and (jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>jwval) and jarowinkler(betegnelse,maatname)>0.90);

UPDATE communit set maatnum = 1.0, jwval=jarowinkler('Stk',maatname), stdmname='Stykker' where (jarowinkler('Stk',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Stk',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set maatnum = 12.0, jwval=jarowinkler('Tylter',maatname) where (jarowinkler('Tylter',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Tylter',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set volnum = 231.6, jwval=jarowinkler('Oksehoved',maatname) where (jarowinkler('Oksehoved',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Oksehoved',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set volnum = 138.97, jwval=jarowinkler('Tønder',maatname) where (jarowinkler('Tønder',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Tønder',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set weighnum = 2600, jwval=jarowinkler('Lester',maatname) where (jarowinkler('Lester',maatname)>0.85) and (jarowinkler('Lester',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set weighnum = 2600, jwval=jarowinkler('Læst',maatname) where (jarowinkler('Læst',maatname)>0.85) and (jarowinkler('Læst',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set valnum = 1.0, jwval=jarowinkler('Rd',maatname), stdmname='Rdlr' where (jarowinkler('Rd',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Rd',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set valnum = 1.0, jwval=jarowinkler('Rigsdal',maatname), stdmname='Rdlr' where (jarowinkler('Rigsdal',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Rigsdal',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set weighnum = 1016, jwval=jarowinkler('Tons',maatname)  where (jarowinkler('Tons',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Tons',maatname)>jwval);
UPDATE communit set weighnum = 6.35, jwval=jarowinkler('Steen',maatname)  where (jarowinkler('Steen',maatname)>0.90) and (jarowinkler('Steen',maatname)>jwval);

Load Nina Bangs classification system for commodities

-- Create table nbclass
-- "eastwest";"nbclass";"nbclsname";"french";"german";"english";"nbchar"
-- "EB";"1";"Salt ";"sel";"Salz";"salt";"001"

CREATE TABLE "nbclass" (
  direction char(2),
  nbclass integer,
  nbclsname varchar(255),
  french varchar(255),
  german varchar(255),
  english varchar(255),
  nbchar char(3),
  PRIMARY KEY (nbclass)

CREATE INDEX ON nbclass (lower(nbclsname));

COPY nbclass (direction,nbclass,nbclsname,french, german, english, nbchar) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/nbclass-export.txt' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';
Load Nina Bangs coding system system for commodities

-- Create table nbcode
-- "eastweast";"nbcode";"nbvare";"nbclass";"Level3"
-- "EB";"001.001";"Salt";1,00;0,00

CREATE TABLE "nbcode" (
  direction char(2),
  nbcode char (7),
  nbvare varchar(255),
  nbclass integer,
  level3 integer,
  PRIMARY KEY (nbcode)

CREATE INDEX ON nbcode (lower(nbvare));

COPY nbcode (direction,nbcode,nbvare,nbclass, level3) FROM '/home/arne/STRM/data/nbcode-export.txt' DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '"' ENCODING 'utf-8' NULL '';

Alter table nbcode add column altname varchar(255);
update nbcode set altname = replace(nbvare,'æ','e') where nbvare like ('%æ%');
update nbcode set altname = replace(nbvare,'Æ','E') where nbvare like ('%Æ%');

Update commodites coding table according to Load Nina Bangs coding and classification system using

UPDATE commodities set nbclass = nbclass.nbclass FROM nbclass where (commodities.soortname = nbclass.nbclsname);
update commodities set jwval=0.0;
UPDATE commodities set nbcode = nbcode.nbcode, jwval=1.0, nbclass=nbcode.nbclass FROM nbcode where (commodities.soortname = nbcode.nbvare);

-- Update ballast
update commodities set nbclass = -1, jwval=jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,'Ballast'), nbcode='-1', ngcode=-1 where ((jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,'Ballast')>jwval) and (jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,'Ballast')>0.93) and (commodities.soortname like '%Ballast%'));

-- Update on commodity name
UPDATE commodities set nbcode = nbcode.nbcode, jwval=jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.nbvare), nbclass=nbcode.nbclass FROM nbcode where ((commodities.freq >0) and (jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.nbvare)>jwval) and (jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.nbvare)>0.89));

-- Update on commodity alternate name, æ/e problem
UPDATE commodities set nbcode = nbcode.nbcode, jwval=jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.altname), nbclass=nbcode.nbclass FROM nbcode where ((commodities.freq >0) and (jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.altname)>jwval) and (jarowinkler(commodities.soortname,nbcode.altname)>0.89) and not (altname=''));

-- Update on split of commodity , first product, " og " and " a " problem
UPDATE commodities set nbcode = nbcode.nbcode, jwval=jarowinkler(commodities.prod1,nbcode.nbvare), nbclass=nbcode.nbclass FROM nbcode where ((commodities.freq >0) and (jarowinkler(commodities.prod1,nbcode.nbvare)>jwval) and (jarowinkler(commodities.prod1,nbcode.nbvare)>0.89));

Coding raw data

Extraction of a sample

Classification systems by Nina Bang

  • Nina E. Bangs classification of commodities converted into a database table.
    • Download the classification system as XLSX. Download as DBF.
    • Download the list of products as XLS. Download as DBF.
  • Nina E. Bangs coding of ports (departure, port of intended destination, shipmaster home port)
    • Converted into a database table. Download as XLS. Download as DBF.
    • Download the list of ports as geocoded GIS file (ArcGIS). Download as DBF