Cadence Virtuoso setup

From ift
Revision as of 16:59, 28 May 2013 by Ave082 (talk | contribs)

update install manager

cd /prog/cadence/

* mkdir iscape

tar xvf /prog/download/

run install manager


configure install manager

preferences -> directories Set default install directory to /prog/cadence

install/update program with install manager

Press the icon which has the text "local directory/media install" Select browse and navigate to the directory containing the install files and select the CDROM1 foleder. Check that there isn't a slash at the end of the path. Program doesn't search recursively. fex: /prog/cadence/unpacked/ASSURA04.12.020-5141_lnx86.Hotfix/CDROM1 You don't need to install all updates recursively, select only the latest hotfix and the install will ask for the path to the base install when it is needed. If there are no hotfixes, install the base install.

If a window opens with "Welcome to OpenAccess.....", just press enter and then 'n' and then enter again.

When the install is finished and you are back in the result list, you need to press the small underlined cancel text to change the path.

package specifics

-- INCISIVE -- When doing a full install, INCISIVE needs to be installed first as it is required by IC.

-- ASSURA -- There are two versions ASSURA*-615 and ASSURA*-5141. 615 is for compability with IC5 (CDB), install folder is ASSURA_*_OA. 5141 is for use with IC6 (OA), install folder is ASSURA_*_CDB.