Info about D3PD analysis variables

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Please feel free to add more variables and what they contain.

Analysis variables


int RunNumber;


float trig_EF_met_MEx;

float trig_EF_met_MEy;

int trig_L2_jet_n;

std::vector<float>* trig_L2_jet_pt;

bool L1_J55; Level 1 Jet trigger (jet energy>55 GeV ?)


int jet_n; Number of jets in event (extra conditions?)

std::vector<float>* jet_eta;

std::vector<float>* jet_phi;

std::vector<float>* jet_m;

std::vector<float>* jet_flavor_weight_SV0;

std::vector<float>* jet_pt; Transverse momentum of jets in MeV

std::vector<float>* jet_emscale_pt;

std::vector<float>* jet_n90; minimum number of cells containing at least 90% of the jet energy

std::vector<float>* jet_timing;

std::vector<float>* jet_quality;

std::vector<float>* jet_emfrac; Energy fraction that is due to electrons and photons

std::vector<float>* jet_hecf; Energy fraction deposited in hadronic endcap calorimeter (HEC)

std::vector<float>* jet_EMJES;

std::vector<float>* jet_jvtxf;

std::vector<float>* jet_fmax;


std::vector<int>* vx_nTracks;

Missing transverse energy

float MET_Final_et; Total amount of missing E_T in MeV

float MET_Final_etx;

float MET_Final_ety;

float MET_Final_phi;

float MET_Final_sumet;

float MET_LocHadTopo_etx;

float MET_MuonBoy_etx;

float MET_LocHadTopo_ety;

float MET_MuonBoy_ety;


int el_n; Number of electrons in event

std::vector<int>* el_author;

std::vector<float>* el_pt; Transverse momentum of electrons in MeV

std::vector<float>* el_eta;

std::vector<float>* el_phi;

std::vector<float>* el_cl_eta;

std::vector<float>* el_cl_phi;

std::vector<int>* el_goodOQ;


int mu_staco_n;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_matchchi2;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_isCombinedMuon;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_pt;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_eta;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_phi;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_ptcone20;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_me_qoverp_exPV;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_me_theta_exPV;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_id_qoverp_exPV;

std::vector<float>* mu_staco_id_theta_exPV;


int tau_n; Number of taus

std::vector<float>* tau_Et; Transverse energy of taus in MeV

std::vector<float>* tau_eta;

std::vector<float>* tau_phi;

std::vector<float>* tau_m;

std::vector<int>* tau_nLooseTrk;

std::vector<int>* tau_nProng;

std::vector<int>* tau_numTrack;

std::vector<float>* tau_secvtx_chiSquared;

std::vector<float>* tau_secvtx_numberDoF;

std::vector<float>* tau_secvtx_x;

std::vector<float>* tau_secvtx_y;

std::vector<float>* tau_secvtx_z;

std::vector<int>* tau_BDTEleScore;

std::vector<float>* tau_BDTJetScore;

std::vector<float>* tau_electronVetoTight;

std::vector<float>* tau_muonVeto;

std::vector<float>* tau_charge;

std::vector<float>* tau_seedCalo_etEMCalib;

std::vector<float>* tau_seedCalo_etHadCalib;