Spice deck

From ift
Revision as of 22:17, 8 September 2013 by Ave082 (talk | contribs)

LTspice file:[spice.asc]

Common Source gain stage, max gain
* Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits
* Problem 3.4
* NB ! Model level 1 only - Similar to hand calcualtions
* Voltage
*	from	to	volts

* Transistor
*	Drain	Gate	Source	Bulk
MN1	Out	In	VSS	VSS	nmos W=10u L=1u

* Load Resistor and Capacitor
*	from	to	ohms
RD	VDD	Out	5k
Cl	Out	VSS	0.1p

* Voltage source
*	from	to	volts
VI	In	VSS	DC 1.281 AC 1

* Models
.model nmos nmos (level=1 VT0=0.6 KP=200u LAMBDA=0.2
+                TOX=10e-9 PHI=0.93 GAMMA=0.6
+                CJ=9.8E-5 PB=0.72 MJ=0.36
+                CJSW=2.2E-10 MJSW=0.1)
* Setup
.options nomod nopage
.width OUT=80
.connect vss 0
* Simulation and Plots
*.TF V(Out) VI
.ac dec 10 1k 100.0e9
* Amplitude Bode Plot
.plot ac vdb(Out)
* Phase Bode Plot
.plot ac vp(Out)