"Kick off" seminar for new PhD candidates DES 2011: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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Presentations given at the seminar:
Presentations given at the seminar:
[https://wikihost.uib.no/matnat/images/1/1a/Phd_arbeidsgruppe_innledende_Hong.pdf Presentation by the Vice Dean].
[https://wikihost.uib.no/matnat/images/8/8e/Kick_off_seminar_nye_PhD_2011_Lise_%C3%98vre%C3%A5s.pdf Presentation by the Vice Dean].

[https://wikihost.uib.no/matnat/images/1/1a/Phd_arbeidsgruppe_innledende_Hong.pdf Presentation about the PhD panel by Ragnhild S. Hansen].
[https://wikihost.uib.no/matnat/images/1/1a/Phd_arbeidsgruppe_innledende_Hong.pdf Presentation about the PhD panel by Ragnhild S. Hansen].

Sideversjonen fra 8. des. 2011 kl. 13:16

"Kick off" seminar for new PhD candidates on the 6 December 2011

Programme of the seminar: Programme.

Presentations given at the seminar:

Presentation by the Vice Dean.

Presentation about the PhD panel by Ragnhild S. Hansen.

Presentation about Research Fellow as an employee at UiB by Anette B. D'Arcy.

Presentation about Research Fellow as an PhD candidate by Diem Hong Tran.

PhD Library course by Hege Folkestad.

PhD memoirs by Erling Hugo Jensen.

If you have any questions about this seminar or the content of this page, please contact Diem Hong Tran (PhD coordinator, MN faculty) by this email: diem.tran@mnfa.uib.no