Forms regarding remuneration and reimbursement of travel expenses: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

Fra Matnat Wiki
Ingen redigeringsforklaring
Ingen redigeringsforklaring
(Én mellomliggende revisjon av samme bruker vises ikke)
Linje 4: Linje 4:
[[Medium:Application_for_tax_deduction_card.pdf |Application for tax deduction card]]
[[Medium:Application_for_tax_deduction_card.pdf |Application for tax deduction card]]

[[Medium:BANK_INFORMATION.docx|Bank Information]]
[[Medium:BANK_INFORMATION_2019.docx|Bank Information]]

Linje 11: Linje 11:
[ Travel expenses claim]
[ Travel expenses claim]

[[Medium:BANK_INFORMATION.docx|Bank Information]]
[[Medium:BANK_INFORMATION_2019.docx|Bank Information]]

Siste sideversjon per 6. mar. 2019 kl. 08:28